Monday, September 04, 2006

Happy Labor Day

Hi Everyone-

Hope you aren't reading today's post until tomorrow. :^) We made it through Saturday and Sunday without any more wide-spread login problems, so the change to the Vista login page appears to have solved that.

Students services and academic technology personnel worked through the weekend to catch-up with last's week's deluge and only a very few new calls and support form requests have come in from students. We still have students who don't know what their S# and password is, but they are getting into class as soon as they hear back from student services. The more technical problems have pretty much gone away.

Vista Faculty:

It just dawned on me that we solved the external email address piece for faculty teaching in Vista a long time ago... we've been working madly on sending a list to you via email because we weren't able to list them in the Vista gradebook. They are listed in the CE gradebook though and all of the students are enrolled in a CE version of your class also. So you have access to all of the external email addresses there. yeesh. Took a long time for the penny to drop. We will continue to work on sending you a list of email addresses though. :^)

All Faculty:

Now about those external email addresses... technically students are required to give the colleges a correct email address when they register. Practically, registration was so very challenging this semester that many colleges did not insist. Thus, we are missing many external email addresses for students. The only way to solve this problem is to assign email address to students, which the community college system will go once we go to a portal system. Of course, we will then have a new problem -- getting students to use that email address. In the end, we communicate with those who make it possible.

It was a challenging beginning to the semester, but I hope we can all focus on learning outcomes from here on out.

Happy Labor Day!


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