Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Fall 1 and Fall 2 terms will both end on December 10th; grades will be due on December 14th as usual. Frank Vazquez is developing a form for grade entry that will be very similar to the form you used in the past on Web4Faculty. As usual you will need the student's grade as well as the last date of access for any F-grades. John Schmahl will send out the URL for the form during the last week of classes.

In an earlier post on this blog I sent over the allowable grading symbols. Developmental faculty should note the change for them to S/A, S/B, etc.

If any of you need to submit grades for some students before classes end, please send those grades to Roxanne Manske as usual. Also, no change in the incomplete policy -- Roxanne will need a copy of the completed for for all I grades issues.


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