Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Last Training Reminder

Stuck at home due to snow today or do you just need to get your training credit?

Join us today for a Webinar scheduled for l2pm! The session will focus on what SafeAssign is as well as how and when to use SafeAssign. Session will be facilitated by members of CCCOnline's Training and Professional Development and Instructional Design teams. Additionally, the CCCOnline Associate Academic Dean, Donna Welschmeyer, will be available during the question and answer portion to address questions about policies for plagiarism and use of SafeAssign.
· TUESDAY, December 9, 2008, from 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM (Mountain)
· Click here to access the session (opens Elluminate).
· OR, access from the FRCC Elluminate page by going to the following link and clicking on the date: December 9, 2008: http://elm.elluminate.com/FRONTRANGE/

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