Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays from all the Staff at CCCOnline!
Our offices are closed from December 24 and repen on January 3rd. We look forward to a great 2011.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Determining Last Date of Attendence

Dear Faculty;

After discussions with the system financial aid directors and the system office we have determined that you may use the mid-point date of the course when reporting a student’s last date of attendance (LDA). The mid-point dates for our courses are listed below. As a reminder, the LDA must be reported for any student who receives a failing grade in a course. If the student completed any course work or submitted any assignments during the semester, use the mid-point date for the LDA. If the student never submitted any assignments, never logged in or never communicated with you, use the first day of the course instead.

As always, please feel free to contact me (john.schmahlcccs.edu) if you have any questions.

Thanks again for your continued hard work and support!


Mid-point date for 15 week courses – 10/24/2010
Mid-point date for 10 week courses – 11/8/2010

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Sentence Works changes it's name to Grammarly@edu

Sentenceworks, the free online grammar checker available to CCCOnline students, changed it’s name to Grammarly@edu. Check out the new site and features by using the Grammarly@edu link in the Helpful Links widget inside your Desire2Learn classroom.

At the new site, you’ll find the same familiar features you’ve been using along with some new functionality including:
-Even more accurate grammar checking
-Support for more writing genres
-Printable reports

Your Sentenceworks user name and password will work at the new site (http://www.grammarly.com/edu/students). Easily retrieve your forgotten password for Grammarly by clicking on the “Forgot Your Password” link on the login page. Your password will be emailed to your college email account. Do you need a new account? No problem! Click on “Create Account” and fill out the required information.

Support for Grammarly@edu is available online at http://support.grammarly.com/home.

Enjoy the new grammar services!

Monday, December 06, 2010

Fall Grades due Dec 16!

Dear Faculty;

It's that time of the semester, Fall grades are due no later than Thursday, December 16, 2010.

Please follow the directions below to enter grades for your courses. If you have any questions regarding grades, please contact me (john.schmahl@cccs.edu).

Once you have submitted your grades, we will pull a daily report listing the grades and they will be entered into Banner for the students. Grades will not be viewable by the students until the day after they are entered.

You must report a Last Date of Attendance (LDA) for any student who receives a grade of “F”. The LDA is the date that the student submitted their last graded assessment or assignment. To find this date in D2L, you can follow the directions here http://at.ccconline.org/faculty/wiki/Tech_Tools_-_D2L_-_Classlist#How_do_I_review_student.27s_access_to_the_course_or_a_tool.3F

If the student never accessed the course, you can enter the first day of the session, August 30 for session 1 courses and October 4 for session 2 courses.

If you have any students needing their grades earlier, or any students not listed on the grade roster, please contact John Schmahl, john.schmahl@cccs.edu or Roxanne Manske, roxanne.manske@cccs.edu.

To submit final grades:

Login through Faculty Portal at https://myportal.cccs.edu/jsp/misc/schoolLoginNew.jsp?school=ccco

(For a tutorial on the new Faculty Portal please go here, https://at.ccconline.org/faculty/wiki/Tech_Tools_-_CCCOnline_Portal_Overview)

- Select the Faculty Tab

- Under the Faculty Gateway channel, Click on the Online Gradebook

- Select the appropriate section

If you are missing any section(s) or have extra section(s) listed, please contact John Schmahl, john.schmahl@cccs.edu.

Enter the appropriate grade for each student, accepted grades are listed below

Remember, developmental courses (those with course numbers under 100) must use the developmental grades, see below

**All students on the grade roster must be given a grade, even if they have not participated in the course**

Click “Update” and return to the menu to select the next section if needed

Approved grades

Standard courses (course numbers 100 and above, e.g., PSY 101)
F (must include last day of attendance)

Developmental courses (course number less than 100, e.g., MAT 060)
U/F (must include last day of attendance)

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Fall student survey is now available

The student survey is now available to students. Note that students will receive a popup message when they log into D2L until they have completed the survey for each of their courses. Please encourage students to complete the survey in order to help us better serve them.
