Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer Games MOOC

Please join us for the Summer Games MOOC!

This will be the fourth offering of the Games Based Learning MOOC. Sign-up is at The Summer Games MOOC will be divided into two parts. Each part is designed to be a standalone MOOC, so feel free to sign-up for only one part or both.

The Summer 2013 Games MOOC
Designed using the connectivism learning theory, the Summer Games MOOC is a Massive Online Open Course focusing on game based learning in education. Connectivist MOOCs or cMOOCs started in 2008 and were introduced to promote networking and knowledge creation among peers.  Since then,  there have been a series of these free connectivism open online courses offered. The Games MOOC is informed by their design and implementation.

Since it's a connectivism MOOC, it will not look like a course from Coursera, Canvas or have the feel of a commercial learning management system. Besides connectivism learning theory, this MOOC is informed by gaming guild culture and the Gamer Disposition by John Seely Brown

Multi-Player Games and MMORPGs
June 3 - June 24, 2013.

Part I focuses on exploring collaboration, cross-functional teams and multi-player game based learning. We will take a close look at the features of multi-players games by going into MMORPGs (Massively Online Role-Playing Games) and also livestreaming from them. We will be exploring and even experiencing what makes these games so engaging.

in Part I, we look at World of Warcraft, EVEOnline,  and guilds that have developed in the sandbox genre games.

Immersive Environments
July 7 - July 29, 2013

Part II will be a tour of online and immersive environments for game based learning. There will be an emphasis on you building your game based learning PLN (Personal Learning Network). We will visit multiple virtual learning environments, virtual worlds, sandbox games and MMORPGs. In Part II, we will also be collaborating with the rgMOOC, or "Rhetoric and Composition: The Persuasive Power of Video Games as Paratexts being offered by Sherry Jones and Kate Guthrie Caruso

The Games MOOC is an open course for all educators. The model for participation is based on social network knowledge construction. Learners will be able to be active in the course in several ways from lurking (reading the discussions), to being engaged in game-play to actively creating content in the course with the MOOC designer and Advisory Group. We do understand that a participant’s level of activity may vary based on the individual’s interest in the weekly topics or other time commitments.

So feel free to lurk! As one of our MOOC Advisory Board member says, "Lurk and Learn!"
If you have any questions, please contact Kae Novak at or call 303-404-5470.

June Professional Development Opportunities

Hi folks,

Here are the Professional Development opportunities we have coming up this week and during the month of June at CCCOnline. As always, you can register on the Training and Professional Development Database and find out more information about these and other opportunities on CCCOnline's Training and Professional Development web page.

Friday, May 31, 1:00 PM MST: Update From The CCCOnline Executive Director (Webinar)

Join us for an update from CCCOnline Executive Director Dr. Eric Lee about current events at CCCOnline.

Thursday, June 6, 1:00 PM MST: Let’s bring the library to the students! (Webinar)

Students seem to rely on Google when they’re doing research, and often the sources they end up using are just plain crummy. In online courses, it’s often difficult to persuade students to visit their local library. Our solution? We’re bringing the library and the librarian to the students via discussions in D2L. Come learn more about what’s going on with the embedded librarian project in HIS 101 & 102, ENG 121 & 122 and other courses. Facilitated by Mary Cash: Online Librarian, CCCOnline (1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MST)

Friday, June 28, 1:00 PM MST: Is There a Connection Between the Brain and Learning? (Webinar)

For generations, students of educational theory were steered away from brain research declaring it had nothing to offer to teaching and learning. Some critiques alleged that we simply lacked understanding of how the brain works and we should focus on what psychologists and cognitive studies have already revealed about teaching and learning. Within the past few decades, significant discoveries have occurred that have practical educational applications. During this webinar, participants will be introduced to the synergy of neuroscience and education along with their direct application to teaching. Facilitated by Norma Hollebeke: Associate Dean of Science, CCCOnline. (1:00 PM - 2:30 PM MST)

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

CCCS DevEd Redesign

CCCS is currently undergoing a Developmental Education redesign for our Math, English and Reading courses.  Full implementation of this redesign is scheduled for Fall, 2014.  To learn more about this project, please visit

Cultivating Excellence Blog and CCCOnline Communities


In case you didn't know, CCCOnline has a community discussion board.  Here, we have educational blogs you can participate in, or just read for interest.  Please visit our Cultivating Excellence Blog by clicking on and scrolling to the bottom of the page.   

If you teach with us, your Academic Division will also have a "Community" set up for your Division.   If you have a moment, please visit if you haven't already by doing the following:
  • Log in to the CCCOnline portal
  • Click the Faculty tab [If you do not have the faculty tab email your chair ASAP]
  • From the Faculty Gateway Access widget, located on the right side of the screen, click the Log into CCCOnline Community Site [clicking this link will give you access to the CCCOnline Community and enroll you if you are a new instructor]

Best regards,