Thursday, July 25, 2013

Connect Conference Keynote Speaker Highlight: Jep Enck

We are excited to announce that this year’s CCCOnline Connect conference will kick off with an exciting keynote from speaker Jep Enck, focused on keeping the classroom a creative and relevant place for today’s students. Jep, who holds an M.S. in Human Resources from Colorado State University, has over 20 years of management and speaking experience.  Throughout his career he has focused on the "human element" in building excellent teams.  His energies and insights have received both local and national attention, earning him the “Excellence in Leadership Training” award from Colorado Governor Roy Romer and the “Outstanding Community Service Award” from President Ronald Reagan.

Be sure to plan on attending this year’s conference on October 4th at Arapahoe Community College to catch this exciting keynote.  Visit the CCCOnline Connect Conference page for more information, and keep an eye out for registration, opening in August!

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities

Hi folks,

Here are the Professional Development opportunities we have coming up in the next month at CCCOnline. As always, you can register on the Training and Professional Development Database and find out more information about these and other opportunities on CCCOnline's Training and Professional Development web page.

Friday, July 12, 1:00 PM MST: Dealing with Student Conflict (Webinar)
This webinar will explore issues that come up in class when dealing with student conflict. We’ll look at what types of behavior can be disruptive, and we’ll explore different techniques to diffuse situations and keep learning on track. We’ll also look at the student discipline process and how you can assist in the process. Facilitated by John Schmahl: Director of Student Support, CCCOnline (1:00 pm - 2:00 pm MST)
Monday, July 22 - Sunday, August 4: Managing Discussions (Workshop)

The Discussions component of your online course is your virtual classroom. In this two-week, online workshop, participants will explore different ways to organize discussions, make discussions more engaging, maximize your own and your students participation, evaluate discussions, explore QA expectations, and more.

Friday, August 2, 1:00 PM MST: Is There a Connection Between the Brain and Learning? (Webinar)

In this webinar, participants will explore the basics of using Camtasia to create screen capture videos. Participants will learn how to use Camtasia's recording tool, basic video and audio editing functions, and captioning tools to make videos ADA compliant. Finally, participants will learn how to export finished projects into formats best suited for different methods of sharing. Facilitated by Sean Renner: Professional Development Coordinator, CCCOnline (1:00 PM - 2:30 PM MST)