Friday, January 31, 2014

February Professional Development Opportunities

Hi folks,

Here's an update on our Professional Development opportunities coming up in February. We have a couple of great webinars as well as a few spots left in a brand new workshop on assessment. Also, please take a moment to complete our 2013 Professional Development survey. This survey is completely anonymous, so we encourage you to be open and honest with us about your experience. Whether you are a CCCOnline instructor or not, if you are a part of the Colorado Community College System we would greatly appreciate your input. You can access the survey at the following link:

CCCOnline Webinars

Registration for webinars closes the day prior to the session. You can register for these webinars on the Training and Professional Development Database, find registration details and instructions on the Registration Process page, and find out more information about these and other opportunities on CCCOnline's Professional Development web page.

Using NetTutor in Your CCCOnline Courses
Thursday, February 6th, 1:00 - 2:00 PM MT
Please join us for a webinar on the NetTutor Online Tutoring Service. You will learn about the subjects supported, the types of tutoring offered to students, and hours of availability for each subject. In addition, we will describe how students access NetTutor, provide tips to share with students to encourage use of the service, and other strategies to get the most out of NetTutor. (Facilitated by: Zac Tomlinson of NetTutor Online Tutoring Service)

CCCOnline Quality Assurance 101
Thursday, February 13th, 1:00 - 2:30 PM MT  

In this webinar CCCOnline's Quality Assurance team will review CCCOnline's Quality Assurance program and its processes, and explore the Quality Assurance Discussion Rating Rubric. In the second half of the webinar, participants will engage in an interactive QA activity designed to help them understand the way CCCOnline instructors' courses are evaluated. Come learn and ask questions about CCCOnline QA!

CCCOnline Workshops

Registration for workshops closes 10 days prior to the workshop start date. You can register for these webinars on the Training and Professional Development Database, find registration details and instructions on the Registration Process page, and find out more information about these and other opportunities on CCCOnline's Professional Development web page.

Measuring What Matters
February 17 - February 23
In this one-week, fully online workshop, participants will explore the concept that effective classroom assessment measures learning beyond summative grade calculations and includes the formative assessment process, which allows learners to demonstrate what they know and instructors to provide feedback to increase learning. Participants will have an opportunity to examine their current assessment processes and plan for revisions.

Innovative Educators Webinars

The Colorado Community College System is a subscriber to Innovative Educators, an organization that supports academic and professional growth in higher education. With our subscription to this organization comes the opportunity for any staff or faculty in the Colorado Community College System to attend their live webinar sessions for free by entering the code "ColoradoCC".  Innovative Educators has a wide variety of opportunities available on their website, which you can explore here: Innovative Educators Webinar Calendar. You can choose to attend any of their webinars, but here are a few sessions in particular that you all might find valuable:

How Faculty Can Manage Difficult Conversations With Students
Friday, February 7 ~ 1:00-2:30 EST

Faculty & FERPA: A Guide To Compliance
Thursday, February 20 ~ 1:00-2:30 EST

Cheating In An Online Environment: How To Prevent, Detect & Deter Dishonesty
Friday, February 21 ~ 1:00-2:30 EST

Critical Thinking In The Online Classroom: Instructional Strategies That Work
Friday, February 28 ~ 1:00-2:30 EDT

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities

Happy new year, folks!

Here's an update on our Professional Development opportunities coming up this month. We have several more webinars of popular sessions from our 2013 CONNECT conference. We also have a webinar highlighting some features in Desire2Learn version 10.2, to which CCCS updated over the break. This is an optional webinar, but there are a few dates and times at which it will be offered.

CCCOnline Webinars

Registration for webinars closes the day prior to the session. You can register for these webinars on the Training and Professional Development Database, find registration details and instructions on the Registration Process page, and find out more information about these and other opportunities on CCCOnline's Professional Development web page.

CCCOnline CONNECT Session: Badges And Alternative Assessments 
Thursday, January 9th, 1:00 - 2:00 PM MT
You may have heard a bit about badges, awards and pointification. These alternative forms of assessment are coming from the open course movements and also from the gaming industry.  Come learn about this form of assessment and learn to set up your own Mozilla Backpack from the Open Badge Project. (Facilitated by Kae Novak - Instructional Designer, FRCC)

CCCOnline CONNECT Session: Locating, Adapting, and Reusing Open Educational Resources
Friday, January 17th, 1:00 - 2:00 PM MT  

This presentation will provide a broad overview of Open Educational Resources (OER) and their use in higher education today. Highlighting some of the major aggregators and content repositories on the Web, we will examine the various types of OER available. A brief discussion of the Open Access Movement and Creative Commons licenses, as well as common misconceptions around copyright and fair use in the educational context, will also be presented. (Facilitated by: Amanda Burch – Instructional Designer, CCCOnline)

An Update From The CCCOnline Executive Director
Friday, January 24th, 1:00 - 2:00 PM MT

Join us for an update from CCCOnline Executive Director Dr. Eric Lee about current events at CCCOnline. Come with any questions or feedback you have and be a part of the discussion about the future of our organization.

What's New in D2L Version 10.2?
  • Thursday, January 23rd, 1:00 - 2:00 PM MT
  • Tuesday. January 28th, 5:00 - 6:00 PM MT
  • Friday, January 31st, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM MT 
This webinar will explore the new look and new features of Desire2Learn version 10.2, which CCCOnline will be using beginning in 2014. Participants will get an overview of the improvements and added features that will benefit their online courses.

Innovative Educators Webinars

The Colorado Community College System is a subscriber to Innovative Educators, an organization that supports academic and professional growth in higher education. With our subscription to this organization comes the opportunity for any staff or faculty in the Colorado Community College System to attend their live webinar sessions for free by entering the code "ColoradoCC".  Innovative Educators has a wide variety of opportunities available on their website, which you can explore here: Innovative Educators Webinar Calendar. You can choose to attend any of their webinars, but here are a few sessions in particular that you all might find valuable:

Student Motivation: Practical Strategies That Will Increase Engagement, Learning & Retention
Friday, January 24, 3:00-4:30 EST

Providing Comprehensive Student Support Services Online

Tuesday, January 28, 3:00-4:00 EST