Thursday, September 30, 2010

TurnItIn Webinar Tomorrow and other fall training opportunities

TurnItIn’s Markup and Plagiarism Detection Tools: The Mechanics and Beyond
When: Friday, October 1, 2010 (1:00PM - 3:00PM Mountain)
Who: Jan Gilboy, Renee Bangerter, Liz Dzabic, and Karen Kaemmerling
What: We heard great feedback about TurnItIn’s presentation at the CCCOnline Conference last week, but if you missed it, please note that Renee Bangerter and Jan Gilboy of TurnItIn graciously have agreed to present for us again. This Webinar, titled “TurnItIn’s Markup and Plagiarism Detection Tools: The Mechanics and Beyond,” will address basic how-tos and answer your technical questions. We also will discuss how to use these tools constructively in your courses (i.e., interpret plagiarism results, use plagiarism detection as a learning teaching tool, and use GradeMark effectively).
Where: Online via Elluminate. Access up to 15 minutes before the start time from:

If you haven't met your training requirement for the year 2010, other training opportunities for fall are coming that you may want to register for through the portal or gateway:
Managing Discussions Workshop with Daniel Metz Begins Oct 18
Virtual Teams Workshop with Jennifer Harr Begins Oct 18
Learning Key Chair Webinar with Leecy Wise on November 5 at 1pm.
Rubrics Workshop with Leecy Wise Begins Nov 8

More webinars are coming but I would love to hear from you which conference presentations you think would make a good webinar and you would either like to see again or recommend to your peers. Please send your questions or suggestions to me at

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

CCCOnline Division Chair Positions

Hi Everyone-

As Rhonda and I mentioned at the conference CCCOnline is in the process of restructuring slightly.  As a part of that process we are hiring several full-time Division Chairs.  Those positions are now posted on the CCCS jobs site -  Look down the center column under CCCOnline.  (And note we also have an instructional design position posted.  We are expanding that department as well.)  

Please pass this information around to anyone who might be interested.

Thank you,


Lisa Cheney-Steen

Drop Box Update

Hi Everyone-

D2L believes they have permanently corrected the Dropbox problems at this time.


Lisa Cheney-Steen

Drop Box Update

Hi Everyone-

Dropbox appears to be working for most faculty this morning, but at this point D2L has applied only a temporary fix.  They have not yet located the underlying problem.  That means you may see continuing issues with the dropbox as the day progresses.  We are keeping an eye on it and will ask D2L to apply the temporary fix again if it looks like the drop box is stalling.

Thanks for your patience.


Lisa Cheney-Steen

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dropbox Errors

Hi Everyone-

We are seeing errors in the dropbox this afternoon.  The issue has been escalated to D2L.  I will let you know as soon as I hear anything.  Meanwhile there is a high likelihood that your students will not be able to post assignments to the dropbox.


Lisa Cheney-Steen

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

CCCOnline Faculty Conference this Friday!

We are very excited about our CCCOnline Faculty Conference
Constructing Quality: Expand your Toolbox!

Here is some helpful information to help you arrive on Friday September 17th at Arapahoe Community College.

-If you missed registration and still want to attend, please stop by the non-registered table that morning at M1900 to ensure you receive training credit for attending.
-Please visit this website for directions to ACC and maps of the campus
-Parking lots are open and free for our attendees. There are no permit restrictions in any parking lots.
-The dress is casual. In fact, to go with our Construction theme, we encourage you to wear jeans. -Your first stop will be registration which starts at 8am in M 1900, the main cafeteria area at ACC.
-We are providing breakfast and lunch items, however, the budget for this free conference is very limited. If you have special dietary requirements, please be prepared to at least supplement or bring your own food.

Thank you to our session presenters for preparing and presenting at this year's conference. Their time makes the conferences a valuable experience for us all each year. And thank you to our sponsors, D2L, Turnitin, NetTutor, and Techsmith.

For more details about the conference sessions and the overall event, please visit

See you Friday! Please contact me with your questions at


Hi Everyone-

I thought you might be interested in the no-show data from John Schmahl this semester. These are students who have not logged in at all this semester.  About half of the colleges drop students who are reported as no-shows.

Jon Sherrill just pulled the no-shows and Roxanne has sent them on to the colleges. It looks like we had a total of 442 individual students (unduplicated headcount) who have not logged in. We currently have 9,546 unduplicated headcount for session 1. I’ll pull the attendance information this afternoon on which faculty have reported their attendance information.


Lisa Cheney-Steen 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Attendance Policy for Students/Formerly No-Show

Hi Everyone-

My apologies for the long email.  The attendance procedure is towards the end. Census date is Tuesday, September 14th.

This year the former No-Show Policy has changed to the Attendance Policy.  There are several reasons for the change.  First,  online classes are a target for groups who are interested in fraudulently applying for financial aid.  Because of this we are attempting to verify class attendance of all students early in the semester.  Initially we ran a no-show report and labeled those who did not login to class at all as no-shows and recommended to the colleges that they drop these students.  The majority of the financial aid scams however have involved "students" who do login to class.  Many of them also participate in the Introductory Discussion, but few participate beyond that.  

Second,  as you know, many of the colleges we serve do not drop students for no-show.  Our preference at CCCOnline is that students are dropped for non-attendance, but before we can request that of all of the colleges we need to collect data showing that most students who either do not attend at all or only login a couple of times are not successful in their courses.  The new policy and procedure will help with that.

Last,  online education in general is at risk whenever we can't verify that our students are who they say they are and that we know who is completing the courses.  We have designed courses in such a way that makes it likely that the student who begins the course also finishes it.  In addition, we are working with Acxiom, a company that collects large amounts of public information about people, to introduce a set of identity questions upon login to D2L sometime during the first couple of weeks of classes.  We may have that project in place for fall 2, but it is not complete at this time.

We expect to report back to you on the data and analysis of this new process in February of next year.

Attendance Policy

CCCOnline's attendance policy helps to identify students who do not intend to actively participate in courses.  If necessary, courses will need revised to comply with the Attendance Policy. Contact your Program Chair for guidance with necessary revisions.

To comply with this policy, each CCCOnline course must require students to:

1. Participate in an "Introductions" discussion, which may or may not be graded.

2. Submit a graded, content-related assessment prior to the census date.

 - The census date is the last day to drop in a term (see the Academic Calendar).
 - The assessment must be content related – it should not be a "syllabus quiz".
 - The assessment may be a Dropbox, Quiz, or Discussion

Process for verifying student attendance

Use the following instructions:

1. On or very shortly after the Census Date (Sept.14th), login to the Faculty Gateway:

2. Click the "Online Roster" link.

3.  Click the "Attendance Register" link next to the title of the course.

4.  Click on the checkbox for “Introductory Discussion” if the student completed an Introductory Discussion post.

5. Click on the checkbox for “First Assignment” if the student has completed the first assignment (Recall that this assignment should be a graded, content-related assignment.).

6. Click on the checkbox for “Extenuating Circumstances” if the student did not post to the Introductory Discussion or the content-related assessment, but you have additional information that leads you to believe that the student may be active at a later date.  The “Extenuating Circumstances” designation might be selected, for example, if:

- The student communicated with you or class peers elsewhere in the course.
- The student notified you s/he will start the term late.
- The student has given you other reasons to expect s/he may become active.

7. After selecting the designation for each student, click the “Submit” button to save your selections.


Lisa Cheney-Steen
Co-Exec. Director for CCCOnline 

Friday, September 10, 2010

CCCOnline Faculty Conference is One Week Away!

Just a few days left to register for the CCCOnline Faculty Conference, Constructing Quality: Expand your Toolbox. Besides all the great presentations that you don’t want to miss, we will have great door prizes in the sessions like a Free Pen Tab donated by NetTutor. Registration closes Monday morning, so don’t delay!

If you are registered already, please visit the Conference page on the wiki for directions to Arapahoe Community College and other key information that may be of interest to you such as dietary concerns.

Additionally, please check out the training registration options for upcoming workshops this fall. You can view a calendar on the Faculty Tab on the CCCOnline Faculty portal for upcoming dates and register for workshops like the Learning Styles Workshop with Leecy Wise which begins Monday September 20th.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Archive Tab on Your D2L Page

If you have questions, please email

In order to streamline the D2L tab that displays courses (the Instructor tab), our Academic Technologies staff has programmed a new tab called the Archive tab into D2L. Beginning Monday, September 6, your Spring 2010 and Summer 2010 courses will be displayed on this new Archive tab instead of on the Instructor tab. The Fall 2009 pilots, if you have one, will be removed completely out of sight (but not deleted) as we don’t have a method to move them to the new tab.

With this new tab, you will be able to access your past courses if necessary, but they won't be in the way of your current courses. Beginning in January 2011, term courses that are 12 months or older will be deleted.  This does NOT affect DEV courses or master courses per se.  For instance, Fall 2009 courses will be over 1 year old in January and will be removed.  At the end of the Spring 2011 term, the Spring 2010 courses will be removed.  This policy is the same as what was followed on Blackboard in previous years

Thursday, September 02, 2010

TurnItIn Maintenance

Please do not reply to this automated message. If you have questions, please email me at Thanks!

Please note the downtime for scheduled maintenance as noted to us by TurnItIn:
Upcoming System Maintenance: On Saturday, September 4th from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM US Pacific Time (-7 UTC), all Turnitin services may be unavailable while we launch the new Turnitin2 service. If you have assignments due during this window, we recommend that you change the due date and alert your students. Contact for more information.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Student Re-Enrollment

If you have any students who contact you and were dropped from their courses for any reason and want to be re-enrolled, you can send them to the following link and they can complete the Re-Enrollment form,

More information about our attendance and re-enrollment policies can be found in the student handbook here,
