Sunday, June 29, 2008

Time for Training? Consider these July Sessions!

CCCOnline Training and Professional Development has several sessions lined up for the remaining six-months of the 2008 Training Year! You can see what sessions are upcoming from the registration form:

Information about the faculty conference (October 17, 2008) will be made available as it becomes available. For questions related to the conference now, please email

July Workshops:
You may want to review the Session Descriptions to see objectives and materials for sessions (Click this link, then click the name of the workshop on the page that opens to view the description).
  • Course Mapping (July 7 - 18)
    Register no later than July 3!

  • Managing Discussions (July 7 - 18)
    Register no later than July 3!

  • Learning Styles (July 21 - August 11)
    Register no later than August 17!

  • Getting Started with CCCOnline (July 30 - August 6)
    Register no later than July 25!

  • Vista Basic Training (July 30 - August 11)
    Register no later than July 25!

July Webinars!

Review the
training policy if needed. In sum, at least one training is required of all CCCOnline faculty each calendar year. It can be one of our offerings or a Chair approved alternative training. You are encouraged to complete as much training and professional development as you can, however!

Thanks for your awesome commitment to excellence in teaching and learning with CCCOnline. It has truly been an honor serving you this year!

:-) Lisa Marie Johnson

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Webinar this Friday 11AM - Course Mapping!

CCCOnline Training and Professional Development invites you to attend a webinar this week!

What: Navigating and Creating a Course Map!

Come to see examples of course maps and courses they correspond to and explore the resources available to you as faculty in creating your own course map. Faculty who have taken the Course Mapping workshop will benefit from this review of the essentials. Faculty who are considering a course re-design or design of a new course and have no prior course mapping experience will find this session very helpful for beginning the process! Session will not be recorded and is not for annual credit.

Who: Lisa Marie Johnson of CCCOnline.

When: Friday, June 27, 2008 - starting promptly at 11:00 AM

Where: Online via Elluminate! Participants may enter 30 minutes before the session begins. Use the link below to access the session.

Why: As always, Why not? :^) ... Though participation in this session DOES NOT count as annual professional development credit for CCCOnline faculty, it is a great way for you to get comfortable with the idea of course mapping and ask questions in a safe environment. This session will not be recorded.

Hope to see you there!
Lisa Marie

NOTE: If you are a new user of Elluminate, please go to ... and then through the steps for first time users. Once your computer is set-up, view the Participant Training Materials for Elluminate Version 8: If you are attending the live session, please prepare your computer to attend the session at least 1/2 hour in advance! All sessions begin promptly at the designated time, but you may enter the session 30 minutes before to make sure your headsets/voice, speakers, and other features are working properly.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Looking for Multimedia for your Courses? Inspiration to Create your Own?

Recently CCCOnline's Training and Professional Development held a webinar focusing on the integration of materials from the National Repository of Online Courses (NROC) and HippoCampus. A lot of you have emailed expressing interest in finding materials from these sources as well as other places on the Web. Perhaps this post will help you and inspire others who are thinking about multimedia enhancements for your online courses.

Wolfram Demonstrations Project
This is a great place for finding open-source demonstrations on a variety of topics. Use the list of topics link below to find demonstrations. The 'web preview' can be seen online without downloading the Mathematica Player. The player (free) is required to view full demonstrations so, if you use these with students, be sure to provide the player download link.

Online Videos
You've all heard of YouTube by now probably, but did you know that with Yahoo and Google Video searches you can get an aggregated list of results from multiple video sites at once?

Two words caution and consideration to make in using videos from the Web: (1) watch the video in its entirety so you know exactly what is presented. Having focus questions or some goal for watching a video is usually an more effective instructional technique. (2) Don't forget about accessibility! If your video is a 'central' piece of content that is "must" be viewed in the course, you will want to take the extra effort to create captioning, if it does not already exist, or a transcript. This can be a painstaking process, but if the video is worthwhile, so is the process. There are some tools available to assist with captioning, such as MAGpie. Contact your instructional designer for more information.

Content from Open Courses
The MIT and Yale Open Course projects are among the most famous of this category. Their courses are browsable online and often include video lectures and other media you could use to enhance your own course because, well, it's "open". There is also a nice repository list from Scott Anderson online.

You can also find great supporting audio materials from sites such as the Nationa Public Radio and tons of resoruces from places like the Annenberg Media Learning site.

That's a lot of information to consider and get you started, for sure!

But wait!

Don't forget about the materials from HippoCampus.

Go to our page:
In the upper-right corner, you can search by keyword. You can also browse the subject index on the left-side of the page. To learn more about using these resources, take a look at the
Archive for the June 10 Webinar by clicking here.

And, finally, note that we are now offering the Respondus and StudyMate workshop as a self-paced experience. We encourage you to train on both these programs together since they work together so well. You can create several types of engaging practice activities in StudyMate directly, or use Respondus to tweak existing test-banks for repurposed 'study' activities. StudyMate creates Flash-based activities that YOU design! Check out our session from the Faculty Wiki:

Lisa Marie

[Tip: you might want to view this post directly off the Faculty Blog:]

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Blackboard Greenhouse Award Winner!!

I am extremely happy to let you all know that this year a CCCOnline course has won a Blackboard Greenhouse award!

Karen Kaemmerling's HIS 202 digital content course wowed the reviewers with both its design and use of technology to assist students in the learning process. Karen is going to the Blackboard conference this summer to present the course there, but you can see the presentation here:

Mary Cash is the designer on record for this course and Aaron built the presentation with Karen. The course uses NROC and in-house content to replace the textbook. (See yesterday's webinar archive for more information on NROC). There are many great ideas embodied in this course that could be implemented in more of our courses (and many of course that already have been implemented.)

The greenhouse program is administered by scholars, reviewers are chosen from colleges around the world, and an extensive rubric is used in the review precess. Blackboard describes the program below:
The Blackboard Greenhouse Exemplary Course Project (ECP) recognizes courses that model best practices in learning, course design, interaction and collaboration, assessment and evaluation, meaningful technology use, and learner support.
It truly is an honor to have a course recognized by this program! There is more information on the Greenhouse project (it builds on the WebCT Exemplary Course award program) available here:

Anyone interested in submitting a course next year should read over the material and then let your program chair and designer know that you are interested.


Monday, June 09, 2008

Join us Tuesday, June 10 for the Integrating Multimedia Webinar!

CCCOnline Training and Professional Development invites you to attend a webinar this week!

What: Integrating Multimedia from NROC/HippoCampus

In this session we will showcase materials available from the National Repository of Online Courses (NROC) and HippoCampus. Participants will learn to navigate and select resources from these repositories, understand the licensing benefits for CCCOnline courses, and view examples how the materials are currently being used by CCCOnline courses. Additionally, you will have a chance to engage in a Web exploration activity of the repository materials!

Who: Terri Rowenhorst of NROC with course examples presented by Karen Kaemmerling and Lisa Marie Johnson of CCCOnline.

When: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 ... Starting at 10:00 AM and ending no later than 12:00 PM (Mountain Time)

Where: Online via Elluminate! Participants may enter 30 minutes before the session begins. Use the link below to access the session.

NOTE: If you are a new user of Elluminate, please go to ... and then through the steps for first time users. Once your computer is set-up, view the Participant Training Materials for Elluminate Version 8: If you are attending the live session, please prepare your computer to attend the session at least 1/2 hour in advance! All sessions begin promptly at the designated time, but you may enter the session 30 minutes before to make sure your headsets/voice, speakers, and other features are working properly.

Why: As always, Why not? :^) ... Participation in this session counts as annual professional development credit for CCCOnline faculty. Registration is not required, but you can let us know you're interested in attending by registering anyway from

Unable to attend? You can still learn by reviewing the recording from our Webinar Archive!

We hope to see you there!
Lisa Marie

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Drop reminder sent to students

The following reminder was sent to all summer students.


This note is a reminder that you have until Wednesday, June 11, 2008, to drop your CCCOnline delivered Summer course(s) with a full tuition refund.

If you do not plan to drop your course(s) or have already dropped them please disregard this reminder.

This email applies ONLY to CCCOnline courses – those courses with a section number starting C1 or C3 (example, ENG 121C12).

Do not assume you have been dropped from a class for not attending or logging in; at many colleges you must drop a class before the above date or you will be responsible for full payment. Contact the Cashier’s Office at your Home College to find out their individual policy.

**Contacting your instructor(s) will NOT result in your being dropped or withdrawn from your course(s)**

To DROP your course(s):

- go to or your home college web site

- click on the Self-Service Banner (MyCommunityED) link for your home college

- select Login and enter your Student ID and 6-digit student PIN

- click Enter

- select the Student Menu and then the Registration Menu

- select Add or Drop Courses and follow the steps to get to your Current Schedule of


- on your Current Schedule, use the Drop Down box under Action and select Drop


- Click Submit Changes at the bottom of the page

- check your Current Schedule to make sure the course(s) has been dropped

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us or your home college.

For any technical questions or problems with your course, please visit or call our 24X7 Technical Support center at 1-888-800-9198.

Thank you for your time and we hope you continue to have a great and successful semester!

Student Services

Friday, June 06, 2008

Digital Textbooks -- Pearson Agreement

Hello Everyone,

I'm including some links below that explain the new CCCOnline agreement with Pearson Education for digital textbooks. The first link is on the faculty wiki, which explains the digital materials charges for students, and our relationship with Pearson. The second link is on the student wiki, and it explains how digital textbooks work in a CCCOnline course. Please let me know if you think we need to provide further information.

Faculty Wiki:

Student Wiki:


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Just in Time! Free Tutorials for Effective Teaching Online!

It's always refreshing to find quality just-in-time materials for online faculty. The Wiley & Sons Publishing through their "Wiley Faculty Network" have a series of tutorials on timely topics for all of us as online faculty.

The five tutorials are very short and free with registration.
Each tutorial is in Acrobat Breeze format (requires Flash plugin) and presented by Tina Stavredes, PhD. To help enourage you to use these tutorials, a general account has been established. See below for the general login account information and links to directly sign-in/access each tutorial.

General Login Info:

  • User name:
  • Password: teachme

Tutorials to Choose from:

Tip: After loging in and accessing any one of the tuorials above, you can simply copy and paste the link for a different tutorial into your browser's address bar and press the Enter key on your keyboard. That refreshes the page to the new tutorial ... no need to login again!

Thank you Phyllis Dobson for bringing this online opportunity to our attention ... they supplement our Training and Professional Development sessions very well. Register for CCCOnline Training and Professional Development and access descriptions for available sessions from:

Lisa Marie

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Wikipedia as an Assignment

I just read a long post (in wikipedia, but I arrived there via a faculty blog) that is a description of an assignment the author used in a class he was teaching - he asked his students to write an article that made it to "Featured Article" status on Wikipedia. Here is the wikipedia entry:

I got there from the blog:

The same professor also has some examples of student blogs available as links from his blog:

These are all literature courses, but I don't see why they couldn't be almost anything. Ideas with which to begin the new semester....

(Oh and I started this whole reading experience via a post on edupunk. Edupunk is apparently the hot new term in the educational blogosphere. The post that started me off should be here - - but I can't get to it today.)

And that new semester begins tomorrow.... are we all ready?!

Lisa Cheney-Steen, Dean