Thursday, November 29, 2007
Open Content Resources -- a growing list
I've been putting together a list of open content resources, with the help of lots of other folks (Lisa Marie, Phyllis, Sean, Jesse, Lisa, Cheryl), and thought it would be good to share that list with you here. Also, it will be going into the Faculty Wiki so that you can add resources to the list as you find them. These are great places to look for supplemental materials to put into your courses -- in a wide variety of subject areas.
Open Content Resources:
Hewlett Foundation OER initiatives:
MIT OpenCourseWare:
Carnegie Mellon:
Harvard University Library Open Collections Program:
Rice University Connexions:
Morgue File - public images:
National Repository for Online Courses:
CCCOnline's Custom Hippocampus:
Internet Archive's "Moving Images" collection:
Prelinger Archives:
Free videos produced by various PBS stations around the country:
From Jesse Stommel and Sean Law's Open Content ENG 121 course:
Etext library:
Project Gutenberg:
Full etext with MP3 files:
Brevity - An online magazine of creative non-fiction:
Plagiarism Article Database:
Wikibook on Rhetoric and Composition:
The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing:
Reminder! Wikimania Webinar this Friday, 2-4PM!
Ready to get your wiki on? We hope you will attend the Wikimania webinar this Friday, 11/30, from 2-4PM. No registration is required.
Join us to see and experience navigating the Faculty Wiki, setting up a user account, conducting basic editing, content creation, and more! The session includes about one hour of presentation. The remaining time will be spent in hands-on-practice. I am pleased to announce Jonathan Fuller and Kathy Miles are collaborating on this session!
If you have not participated in an Elluminate session before, you may want to be sure your computer is set-up for the software prior to the session by going to the Elluminate support page and entering the Configuration Room:
During the Wikimania session, you will have an opportunity to practice with the wiki. To do so, you will need a user account. If you do not already have a user account, please set one up now. You can watch the demonstration of this process from the following link:
The session officially begins at 2:00PM MST, 11/30/07. However, you can enter early at 1:30 PM... we look forward to seeing you there! Use the link below to access the session:
Lisa Marie Johnson
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Grading Forms Bug - From ProfHelp
If you are using Grade Forms in your course, please note that anytime you make a change to the Assignment/Discussion using the Edit Properties a new grade book column is created.
For example,
- Assignment 1 is gradeable using a Grade Form—an entry in the grade book is created named Assignment 1
- Choose the Edit Properties on Assignment 1
- Make a change to the properties of the Assignment for example change the due date of the assignment
- Click Save—a new column is made in the grade book and is named Assignment 1 1 (note a 1 is added to the end of the grade book column)
For assistance, please email
Amy Sorensen
(720) 858-2731
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Conference - Save the Date and Proposal Request
The Learning Technologies Council (formerly known as the system’s Course Migration Team) is planning its first annual conference about the most effective ways to use technology in online, hybrid and traditional classes. If you would like to present, please submit the proposal form by January 18, 2008. Although a hard copy of your proposal will be considered, our preference is an on-line submission.
To submit your proposal send the requested information to and
These are the topics in which the Council is particularly interested, but you are not limited to them:
- Multi-Media Components (pod casting, video, Second Life)
- Student Access
- Hybrids and course enhancements
- Advanced Vista skills (selective release, grading forms, Elluminate, panel discussions)
- Students behavioral issues (authentication, testing, plagiarism)
- Faculty development (mentoring)
- Digital and textbook alternatives
- e-Portfolios
Presentation Description
Briefly describe the subject of the presentation including how you plan to present the information; i.e., handouts, lecture/discussion, panel, small group activities, etc.
Presentation Abstract for use in the conference program--maximum of 50 words please.
Audio Visual Request
Each classroom will include a computer and overhead projector. Hands on sessions will be in a 22-seat computer classroom. Please make any other requests here.
Circle the level of your presentation
Beginner Intermediate Advanced
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Email if you have any questions. The date is Feb. 22nd. PPCC's Rampart Campus is on the North end of Colorado Springs at the Interquest exit and is very easy to access.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Student Survey
If students don't see the pop-up you can send them directly to
That link will also provide them with the survey.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Up and Running
BB Vista is up and running again after our upgrade this morning. If you can't get in or see problems within your course please email
Hope everyone had a very happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
More Blogging - Web 2.0 Tools
CCCOnline is a member of NROC, which gives you access to their course content if you like it and want to adopt it in your course shells. You can get an idea of what is available at
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Webinar tomorrow!
Learn about and experience classroom assessment tech tools for student-created content. You will learn about and see some of the tools in action and be able to experiment afterwards using example accounts we've created for you!
When: Friday, November 16, 2007 2:00 - 4:00 PM (MDT)
Where: Synchronous online session via Elluminate
Password: no password required, open to public.
If you have not used Elluminate before, you will want to arrive a little early to set up your system for Elluminate in advance. You can also do this now/anytime :).
Go to: and click the "Preconfigure my Computer for a Session" link. That will install the software and walk you through set-up. If you plan to "talk" during a session you'll need to have a good mic on your computer or a headset. Talking is not required ... you can communicate through a chat area if needed!
No registration is required to attend. This will count as a professional development credit for anyone who is CCCOnline faculty and attends. If you have questions, please contact Lisa Marie Johnson.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Lisa Marie
Gradebook download for Mac folks
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
BB Vista Upgrade the Friday after Thanksgiving
Please back-up and download your grade books before the downtime to prevent data loss. Directions for that process are here:
Grade book Download
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Training Schedule and Registration
The descriptions for the workshops are on the wiki:
I hope you enjoy the new workshops. Send all feedback directly to please.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
OH NO another case of Plagiarism!
Brought to you by Karen Kaemmerling, CCCOnline Program Chair
Many of us face the issue of plagiarism every semester, sometimes multiple times a semester, and sometimes multiple times by the same student. For sure it is frustrating, and what can we do . . . well being as proactive as possible is the first step.
First, be sure you have a comment about plagiarism in your syllabus, but we have to be more hands on with our students who come from all different backgrounds with a wide range of writing abilities. Include in your Introduction Discussions one on Plagiarism, what it is, how to avoid it in your course, what your expectations are for citation, and where to find resources to help them. Also, include a comment about plagiarism in your rubrics for exams, assignments, and discussion posts. We might also include a link to our writing toolkit at
So now you’ve done those things and you find a case of plagiarism, now what?! First document everything, and be ready to defend your case. Contacting your chair is also advisable.
Lisa Cheney-Steen, our Co-Executive Director for Learning, generally recommends the following steps:
First Offense: Option to redo assignment after discussion with instructor about offense, we do have a lot of students who don't understand plagiarism. (However, if you already had a plagiarism discussion in your introduction discussions, this step might be skipped)
Second Offense: Automatic zero on the assignment, no option to redo
Third offense: F in the class
With the first offense, we might also consider recommending or even requiring the use of the Smart Thinking Writing Lab which is free to the student. At the lab, the student should let them know she is having trouble identifying what is plagiarism. The goal here is to help students learn from this mistake, avoid it in the future, and keep them “in the learning” in this course and future ones.
Are we going to catch every plagiarized paper? No. Do we need to be plagiarism police? No. We need to try to teach our students about the problem, and remember our role as instructors.
Friday, November 02, 2007
...Last Chance for 2007 Training and Professional Development through CCCOnline!
... last chance for 2007 Training & Professional Development through CCCOnline!(No pre-registration for these sessions is necessary)CCCOnline and CMC Present: Showing What They Know
Learn about and experience classroom assessment tech tools for student-created content.Facilitators:Alice Bedard-Voorhees, Ph.D., Colorado Mountain CollegeLisa Marie Johnson, M.Ed., Colorado Community Colleges OnlineWhen & Where:Friday, November 16, 2007 2:00 - 4:00 PM (MDT)Synchronous online session via ElluminateAccess:Password:no password required, open to publicWikimania! Learn how to use and edit the CCCOnline Faculty Wiki[Learn about the Faculty Wiki, offer feedback, see a demonstration of editing and uploading files, practice during the last hour with your facilitator there to answer questions and assist!]Facilitators:Lisa Marie Johnson, M.Ed., Colorado Community Colleges Online(... and maybe more!)When & Where:Friday, November 30, 2007 2:00 - 4:00 PM (MDT)Synchronous online session via ElluminateAccess:Password:no password required, open to publicNotes:Space is limited so please plan to enter the session on time. If this is your first time using Elluminate, or using it on the machine you plan to access the session from, please arrive early to allow time for set-up!Participant resources:
User guide:
November 15 Webinar: Exploring Second Life
Are you already familiar with the virtual world of Second Life? This intermediate-level session will offer a tour of some of the great educational resources within Second Life. Cheryl Comstock from Colorado Community Colleges Online will be our tour guide on Thursday, November 15 at 2:00 p.m. ET.
This could be a great opportunity to have an experienced Second Life enthusiast at your institution host a professional development event for your staff to introduce them to Second Life.
Prerequisite: Some experience navigating Second Life, including personal log-in and avatar.
Seating is limited so please email by Friday, November 9 to hold your place! We will confirm with the meeting coordinates on EdTech island.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Training News
Hello faculty & staff!
In October 2007, the link for Training and Professional Development Needs survey was distributed to faculty and staff of CCCOnline via the Faculty Blog. There were a total of 79 individuals started the survey and 72 completed it. If we take the total number of faculty and staff from the current training database, this is a return rate of approximately 26%.
Summary of Results:
For the open-ended Question 9, pertaining to the Faculty Wiki, it appears many of you find it difficult to navigate and the appearance cluttered. Many of you indicated you were not aware of how it could be of use to you… so, to find out now, check it out by going to … take 10 minutes to browse the links including the “Blackboard Vista ” (guides for using the technology), “Training & Professional Development” (being updated for 2008, but contains some very useful information about policy and sessions), “Teaching Resources “ (just what the name says), and “Instructional Design” (for help understanding the design standards and assistance with those). Have suggestions for the Wiki? Feel free to send them or jump in and start editing yourself- yes! You can do it!
For the open-ended Question 10, asking about additional comments, there was a lot of valuable feedback about how the training sessions of past have helped you, how you might improve them, and how enthusiastic you are for 2008.
For questions 1-8, a summary of responses can be viewed by following the link below:
Additional comments given with the questions 1-8 are not included in the summary, but very good suggestions were made. The general consensus regarding ‘new’ technologies and methods is whether or not faculty are expected to implement these and, if yes, to what extent. While Training and Professional Development with CCCOnline is meant to encourage an expansion of your skills and your confidence in new tools and techniques, there is no requirement to use them in your courses necessarily.
There were many great suggestions about the length of sessions, start dates, and why having a ‘weekend’ available during facilitated sessions is important for many. Additionally, you gave us excellent guidance on the reasoning for teaching all Vista tools and the need for a place where self-paced anytime “Just-in-Time” training is significant for your continued professional development.
Given the one week time frame and the limited distribution of the survey link this is a good response rate overall. The information is useful and I humbly thank you all for your participation and support. I hope for future surveys more faculty and staff will participate letting their voice be heard in driving the direction and scope of the training and professional development opportunities from CCCOnline!
Thank you for letting me be a part of the excellence of CCCOnline. I am enjoying serving YOU!
:) Lisa Marie Johnson
CCCOnline Training & Professional Development, Director
Video/Voice/Chat- Skype: lisamariejohnson