Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Real Time Field Trip!

Our Criminal Justice and Paralegal program chair, Diane VanOs, invited her Business Law students to join her on a field trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science to view the Titanic exhibit and talk about legal ramification of the sinking. She was very pleasantly surprised by the turn-out! In the end there were two groups on two different days, one with 19 students and one with 23. Diane commented:
It was a lot of fun and I've noticed those who attended have really picked up in discussions to me as well as to each other. Who knew?
For me this was a friendly reminder that personal contact is a nice addition to a course where possible and appropriate. I wouldn't recommend it for every course and we can't require a real-time field trip, but it is still an interesting alternative to offer students.

An alternative way to add some interest to a course is to use a guest speaker. We have a stipend to offer guest speakers ($50 per section). You are welcome to try using a guest speaker at any time.

And while we are adding interest to courses.... I know many of you teach for more than one college and are probably looking for easy ways to share content across those courses.
Slideshare will now allow you to sync audio files with your slide show. For more information see Alan Levine's CogDogBlog.


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