Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Happy Holidays!
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Determining Last Date of Attendence
After discussions with the system financial aid directors and the system office we have determined that you may use the mid-point date of the course when reporting a student’s last date of attendance (LDA). The mid-point dates for our courses are listed below. As a reminder, the LDA must be reported for any student who receives a failing grade in a course. If the student completed any course work or submitted any assignments during the semester, use the mid-point date for the LDA. If the student never submitted any assignments, never logged in or never communicated with you, use the first day of the course instead.
As always, please feel free to contact me (john.schmahlcccs.edu) if you have any questions.
Thanks again for your continued hard work and support!
Mid-point date for 15 week courses – 10/24/2010
Mid-point date for 10 week courses – 11/8/2010
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Sentence Works changes it's name to Grammarly@edu
Sentenceworks, the free online grammar checker available to CCCOnline students, changed it’s name to Grammarly@edu. Check out the new site and features by using the Grammarly@edu link in the Helpful Links widget inside your Desire2Learn classroom.
At the new site, you’ll find the same familiar features you’ve been using along with some new functionality including:
-Even more accurate grammar checking
-Support for more writing genres
-Printable reports
Your Sentenceworks user name and password will work at the new site (http://www.grammarly.com/edu/students). Easily retrieve your forgotten password for Grammarly by clicking on the “Forgot Your Password” link on the login page. Your password will be emailed to your college email account. Do you need a new account? No problem! Click on “Create Account” and fill out the required information.
Support for Grammarly@edu is available online at http://support.grammarly.com/home.
Enjoy the new grammar services!
Monday, December 06, 2010
Fall Grades due Dec 16!
It's that time of the semester, Fall grades are due no later than Thursday, December 16, 2010.
Please follow the directions below to enter grades for your courses. If you have any questions regarding grades, please contact me (john.schmahl@cccs.edu).
Once you have submitted your grades, we will pull a daily report listing the grades and they will be entered into Banner for the students. Grades will not be viewable by the students until the day after they are entered.
You must report a Last Date of Attendance (LDA) for any student who receives a grade of “F”. The LDA is the date that the student submitted their last graded assessment or assignment. To find this date in D2L, you can follow the directions here http://at.ccconline.org/faculty/wiki/Tech_Tools_-_D2L_-_Classlist#How_do_I_review_student.27s_access_to_the_course_or_a_tool.3F
If the student never accessed the course, you can enter the first day of the session, August 30 for session 1 courses and October 4 for session 2 courses.
If you have any students needing their grades earlier, or any students not listed on the grade roster, please contact John Schmahl, john.schmahl@cccs.edu or Roxanne Manske, roxanne.manske@cccs.edu.
To submit final grades:
Login through Faculty Portal at https://myportal.cccs.edu/jsp/misc/schoolLoginNew.jsp?school=ccco
(For a tutorial on the new Faculty Portal please go here, https://at.ccconline.org/faculty/wiki/Tech_Tools_-_CCCOnline_Portal_Overview)
- Select the Faculty Tab
- Under the Faculty Gateway channel, Click on the Online Gradebook
- Select the appropriate section
If you are missing any section(s) or have extra section(s) listed, please contact John Schmahl, john.schmahl@cccs.edu.
Enter the appropriate grade for each student, accepted grades are listed below
Remember, developmental courses (those with course numbers under 100) must use the developmental grades, see below
**All students on the grade roster must be given a grade, even if they have not participated in the course**
Click “Update” and return to the menu to select the next section if needed
Approved grades
Standard courses (course numbers 100 and above, e.g., PSY 101)
F (must include last day of attendance)
Developmental courses (course number less than 100, e.g., MAT 060)
U/F (must include last day of attendance)
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Fall student survey is now available
Monday, November 29, 2010
D2L 9.1 Upgrade- a Success!
I would also like to highlight our last webinar of the year on Friday December 3 at 1pm, Creating and Facilitating Groups in D2L with Lisa Marie Johnson. If you haven't completed your training requirement this year, you don't want to miss it! To join us go to https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=2008363&password=M.0EB8DF8CB07BB2627174FA49487CAB
It will also be recorded and you can listen to it and our other archived webinars at https://at.ccconline.org/faculty/wiki/Professional_Development_-_Webinar_Archive .
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Learning Key Chain Webinar this Friday
Join us for an interactive webinar on Friday November 5th at 1pm with Leecy Wise. Participants will explore how they learn and teach best. The webinar will provide instructors with a broad perspective on how students might prefer to learn. The webinar will open instructors to new ways of presenting content and engaging students with a variety of learning needs and abilities.
No registration required, just join us at https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=2008363&password=M.7535BE50A6EE6D4A8B14AFA1F589FE
You may also want to visit the faculty wiki for our archived webinars or more information on upcoming webinars at https://at.ccconline.org/faculty/wiki/Professional_Development_-_Training_Options
If you have questions about this post, please contact Karen Kaemmerling directly at karen.kaemmerling@cccs.edu
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Congratulations in Order
To read the entire article as published in the CCCS Connections newsletter, follow this link (http://www.cccs.edu/communications/connections/2010/603/index.html), scroll down to Section D (Technology Update), which will open in Adobe Reader, and then to Section F.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
October Training Reminder
Student Research & Writing Toolkit Updates Webinar Reminder
When: Friday, October 22, 2010 (1:00 - 2:30PM Mountain)
Who: Mary Cash & Liz Dzabic
What: Review of the updates to the Student Wiki "Research & Writing Toolkit".
Where: Online via Elluminate. Access up to 15 minutes before the start time from:https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=2008363&password=M.5B943246C8C210B8165AD731371D95
For more upcoming webinar information and for the recorded archived webinars visit the faculty wiki.
Please send your questions directly to me rather than replying at Karen.kaemmerling@cccs.edu
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Reporting student attendance for session 2
CCCOnline's attendance policy helps to identify students who do not intend to actively participate in courses. If necessary, courses will need revised to comply with the Attendance Policy. Contact your Program Chair for guidance with necessary revisions.
To comply with this policy, each CCCOnline course must require students to:
1. Participate in an "Introductions" discussion, which may or may not be graded.
2. Submit a graded, content-related assessment prior to the census date.
- The census date is the last day to drop in a term (see the Academic Calendar).
- The assessment must be content related – it should not be a "syllabus quiz".
- The assessment may be a Dropbox, Quiz, or Discussion
Process for verifying student attendance
Use the following instructions:
1. By Census Date (Oct 14th), login to the Faculty Gateway through the faculty portal at : https://myportal.cccs.edu/jsp/misc/schoolLoginNew.jsp?school=ccco
2. Click the "Online Roster" link.
3. Click the "Attendance Register" link next to the title of the course.
4. Click on the checkbox for “Introductory Discussion” if the student completed an Introductory Discussion post.
5. Click on the checkbox for “First Assignment” if the student has completed the first assignment (Recall that this assignment should be a graded, content-related assignment.).
6. Click on the checkbox for “Extenuating Circumstances” if the student did not post to the Introductory Discussion or the content-related assessment, but you have additional information that leads you to believe that the student may be active at a later date. The “Extenuating Circumstances” designation might be selected, for example, if:
- The student communicated with you or class peers elsewhere in the course.
- The student notified you s/he will start the term late.
- The student has given you other reasons to expect s/he may become active.
7. After selecting the designation for each student, click the “Submit” button to save your selections.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Session 5 - 2010 Second Life Series – The Virtual Podium
* Who: Cheryl Comstock, CCCOnline Director of Online Programs
* Prior sessions: see the the Webinar Archive page
* What: In this session, the participants will learn about pre-developed curriculum and its uses with educational tools discussed during the prior 4 sessions in this series. Additionally, participants will go on a virtual field trip to experience the virtual podiums in SL, we will also visit the Information & Communications Technology Library (ICT ) located in Second Life.
* Where: In Second Life. Cheryl will send you more information after you register - You may go to the following site to register for the session at, http://at.ccconline.org/faculty/wiki/Professional_Development_-_Upcoming_Webinars.
Please note: There has been an update for the Viewer 2, which will prompt you at your next login. All information for the update is available on the login page of SL. It is helpful to update your viewer a day or two before our virtual meeting time.
About the Second Life Series
* Questions about this series should be directed to Cheryl Comstock: Cheryl.Comstock@cccs.edu
* For an overview of Second Life as a tool, see the Faculty Wiki Second Life Tech Tool page found at, http://at.ccconline.org/faculty/wiki/Tech_Tools_-_Other_Tools_-_Second_Life
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
New Student Authentication Process
The following e-mail has been sent to all students regarding the start of our use of Acxiom on Monday. PerceptIS has also been informed of this change.
CCCOnline Course Authentication and Participation Policy (CAPP)
To improve our overall program integrity, ensure that each student is doing his/her own work and comply with our home colleges’ accreditation agencies, CCCOnline is implementing the following steps:
• During the semester, students may be presented with random pop-up security questions when logging into their online course(s).
• All students will be required to complete at least two assignments within the first two weeks of the semester.
Students who do not meet the CAPP requirements may be reported by their instructor to the CCCOnline Student Services Department.
The random security question authentication process is managed by Acxiom, a third-party company. CCCOnline does not have access to this database. This data is secured by Acxiom, which complies with student privacy and FERPA regulations. Acxiom’s privacy policies are available at www.acxiom.com/privacy.
After the student enters his/her S# and password on the D2L login page or accesses D2L via the portal, a screen appears to “Verify Your Identity.”
Students should type their current address into the Identification Verification box.
• After the address is submitted, up to four questions will appear on screen asking Identity Verification questions. There may be a short delay before these questions display on the screen.
• Students should answer the questions honestly, and keep in mind that “none of the above” may be a valid answer for some questions.
• After students answer and submit their answers to the Identity Verification questions, there is a delay before the student is logged into their online course. This delay can last up to two minutes. Please be patient and do not click the submit button multiple times.
Check out the Cultivating Excellence Blog
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Email, Email, and More Email!
TRUE OR FALSE- username@cccs.desire2learn.com email address is a valid email address which can be used outside of D2L?
FALSE--the email address you see in D2L, for example asorensen@cccs.desire2learn.com, is NOT a valid email address outside of D2L.
This semester we have had multiple student inquiries about emails they have sent to their instructor but the instructor is not responding. With a little research from the techies at D2L we have discovered that students are trying to email their instructor using an outside account, such as gmail or yahoo, and these messages are not getting delivered to the internal D2L email.
Do NOT list your cccs.desire2learn.com address on your instructor widget or Instructor Information page!! Students will try to use this address outside of D2L and then be disgruntled when the message is not delivered to you. :O)
If a student complains that you are not responding to their emails. Let me them know that they only way they can email you is using the Email tool within D2L or with the alternate address you have provided such as your cccs.edu email account.
If you have not setup your CCCS email account or have questions, please email profhelp@cccs.edu
If you are a new faculty ProfHelp will be contacting you with your new CCCS email information and login credentials as soon as these accounts are ready to go!
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Getting to D2L
Up Time
Friday, October 01, 2010
Fall Session 2 Rosters Now Available
To access your course rosters please go to the Faculty Portal here,
Enter your S# and Password.
On the Faculty Tab, go to the CCCOnline Faculty Gateway Access Channel
Select Course Online Rosters.
For a tutorial on the new Faculty Portal please go here, https://at.ccconline.org/faculty/wiki/Tech_Tools_-_CCCOnline_Portal_Overview
Library Resources
You can reach the Online Library Resources and the Research and Writing Toolkit from the Helpful Links widget found on both on the MyHome page and each course’s homepage. However, it’s important to note that if you have links in your classes to the Online Library, the article database information, the Research and Writing Toolkit or Tutoring information on the wiki, you probably will need to update them. Here are the URLs:
- CCCOnline Student Wiki Main Page: http://at.ccconline.org/students/wiki/Main_Page
- CCCOnline Library Resources: http://at.ccconline.org/students/wiki/Academic_Resources_-_CCCOnline_Library_Resources
- Research and Writing Toolkit: http://at.ccconline.org/students/wiki/Academic_Resources_-_Research_and_Writing_Toolkit
- CCCOnline Tutoring Options: http://at.ccconline.org/students/wiki/Academic_Resources_-_Tutoring_Options
Mary L. Cash
Instructional Designer/CCCOnline Librarian
Colorado Community Colleges Online
Work: 303-595-1661
Thursday, September 30, 2010
TurnItIn Webinar Tomorrow and other fall training opportunities
When: Friday, October 1, 2010 (1:00PM - 3:00PM Mountain)
Who: Jan Gilboy, Renee Bangerter, Liz Dzabic, and Karen Kaemmerling
What: We heard great feedback about TurnItIn’s presentation at the CCCOnline Conference last week, but if you missed it, please note that Renee Bangerter and Jan Gilboy of TurnItIn graciously have agreed to present for us again. This Webinar, titled “TurnItIn’s Markup and Plagiarism Detection Tools: The Mechanics and Beyond,” will address basic how-tos and answer your technical questions. We also will discuss how to use these tools constructively in your courses (i.e., interpret plagiarism results, use plagiarism detection as a learning teaching tool, and use GradeMark effectively).
Where: Online via Elluminate. Access up to 15 minutes before the start time from: https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=2008363&password=M.78F51EE1033CD5B7EE11BC3249C7D9
If you haven't met your training requirement for the year 2010, other training opportunities for fall are coming that you may want to register for through the portal or gateway:
Managing Discussions Workshop with Daniel Metz Begins Oct 18
Virtual Teams Workshop with Jennifer Harr Begins Oct 18
Learning Key Chair Webinar with Leecy Wise on November 5 at 1pm.
Rubrics Workshop with Leecy Wise Begins Nov 8
More webinars are coming but I would love to hear from you which conference presentations you think would make a good webinar and you would either like to see again or recommend to your peers. Please send your questions or suggestions to me at karen.kaemmerling@cccs.edu
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
CCCOnline Division Chair Positions
Drop Box Update
Drop Box Update
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Dropbox Errors
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
CCCOnline Faculty Conference this Friday!
Constructing Quality: Expand your Toolbox!
Here is some helpful information to help you arrive on Friday September 17th at Arapahoe Community College.
-If you missed registration and still want to attend, please stop by the non-registered table that morning at M1900 to ensure you receive training credit for attending.
-Please visit this website for directions to ACC and maps of the campus http://www.arapahoe.edu/about-acc/locations/campus-maps
-Parking lots are open and free for our attendees. There are no permit restrictions in any parking lots.
-The dress is casual. In fact, to go with our Construction theme, we encourage you to wear jeans. -Your first stop will be registration which starts at 8am in M 1900, the main cafeteria area at ACC.
-We are providing breakfast and lunch items, however, the budget for this free conference is very limited. If you have special dietary requirements, please be prepared to at least supplement or bring your own food.
Thank you to our session presenters for preparing and presenting at this year's conference. Their time makes the conferences a valuable experience for us all each year. And thank you to our sponsors, D2L, Turnitin, NetTutor, and Techsmith.
For more details about the conference sessions and the overall event, please visit http://at.ccconline.org/faculty/wiki/Teaching_Resources_-_Presentations_-_2010_CCCOnline_Faculty_Conference
See you Friday! Please contact me with your questions at Karen.kaemmerling@cccs.edu
Jon Sherrill just pulled the no-shows and Roxanne has sent them on to the colleges. It looks like we had a total of 442 individual students (unduplicated headcount) who have not logged in. We currently have 9,546 unduplicated headcount for session 1. I’ll pull the attendance information this afternoon on which faculty have reported their attendance information.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Attendance Policy for Students/Formerly No-Show
CCCOnline's attendance policy helps to identify students who do not intend to actively participate in courses. If necessary, courses will need revised to comply with the Attendance Policy. Contact your Program Chair for guidance with necessary revisions.
To comply with this policy, each CCCOnline course must require students to:
1. Participate in an "Introductions" discussion, which may or may not be graded.
2. Submit a graded, content-related assessment prior to the census date.
- The census date is the last day to drop in a term (see the Academic Calendar).
- The assessment must be content related – it should not be a "syllabus quiz".
- The assessment may be a Dropbox, Quiz, or Discussion
Process for verifying student attendance
Use the following instructions:
1. On or very shortly after the Census Date (Sept.14th), login to the Faculty Gateway: https://at.ccconline.org/faculty/
2. Click the "Online Roster" link.
3. Click the "Attendance Register" link next to the title of the course.
4. Click on the checkbox for “Introductory Discussion” if the student completed an Introductory Discussion post.
5. Click on the checkbox for “First Assignment” if the student has completed the first assignment (Recall that this assignment should be a graded, content-related assignment.).
6. Click on the checkbox for “Extenuating Circumstances” if the student did not post to the Introductory Discussion or the content-related assessment, but you have additional information that leads you to believe that the student may be active at a later date. The “Extenuating Circumstances” designation might be selected, for example, if:
- The student communicated with you or class peers elsewhere in the course.
- The student notified you s/he will start the term late.
- The student has given you other reasons to expect s/he may become active.
7. After selecting the designation for each student, click the “Submit” button to save your selections.
Friday, September 10, 2010
CCCOnline Faculty Conference is One Week Away!
If you are registered already, please visit the Conference page on the wiki for directions to Arapahoe Community College and other key information that may be of interest to you such as dietary concerns. https://at.ccconline.org/faculty/wiki/Teaching_Resources_-_Presentations_-_2010_CCCOnline_Faculty_Conference
Additionally, please check out the training registration options for upcoming workshops this fall. You can view a calendar on the Faculty Tab on the CCCOnline Faculty portal for upcoming dates and register for workshops like the Learning Styles Workshop with Leecy Wise which begins Monday September 20th.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Archive Tab on Your D2L Page
In order to streamline the D2L tab that displays courses (the Instructor tab), our Academic Technologies staff has programmed a new tab called the Archive tab into D2L. Beginning Monday, September 6, your Spring 2010 and Summer 2010 courses will be displayed on this new Archive tab instead of on the Instructor tab. The Fall 2009 pilots, if you have one, will be removed completely out of sight (but not deleted) as we don’t have a method to move them to the new tab.
With this new tab, you will be able to access your past courses if necessary, but they won't be in the way of your current courses. Beginning in January 2011, term courses that are 12 months or older will be deleted. This does NOT affect DEV courses or master courses per se. For instance, Fall 2009 courses will be over 1 year old in January and will be removed. At the end of the Spring 2011 term, the Spring 2010 courses will be removed. This policy is the same as what was followed on Blackboard in previous years
Thursday, September 02, 2010
TurnItIn Maintenance
Please note the downtime for scheduled maintenance as noted to us by TurnItIn:
Upcoming System Maintenance: On Saturday, September 4th from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM US Pacific Time (-7 UTC), all Turnitin services may be unavailable while we launch the new Turnitin2 service. If you have assignments due during this window, we recommend that you change the due date and alert your students. Contact tiisupport@turnitin.com for more information.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Student Re-Enrollment
More information about our attendance and re-enrollment policies can be found in the student handbook here, http://at.ccconline.org/students/wiki/Student_Handbook_-_Inside_the_Classroom_-_Attendance_Policies
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Update from Profhelp
- The program chairs have elected to turn off the “New” notification of discussions, dropboxes, quizzes, etc. from the Course Homepage. For example, when a student leaps straight to the discussion through the icon, the "last access" date in the classlist does not update. This notification has been turned off for both students and instructors. Sorry for any inconvenience. The update widget still shows unread emails and discussion posts and the email button shows unread emails.
- Unfortunately, we can’t move the Fall2010 courses to the top of the list on your Course Homepage. The good news is that soon all of the previous term courses will appear on another tab which will allow the current term courses to be the only courses appearing on the instructor tab.
Lisa Cheney-Steen
Monday, August 30, 2010
D2L Problems
Photo from Javaturtle, http://www.flickr.com/photos/javaturtle/with/117152990/
Friday, August 27, 2010
Fall Session 1 CLass Rosters Now Available
Please note that students from Dawson Community College may show on your class rosters. They can be identified by having a student ID starting with “D”. You don’t need to do anything different for these students, I just wanted to make everyone aware of this change since their student ID’s are slightly different. They will also be on the grade rosters at the end of the semester.
To access your course rosters please go to the Faculty Portal here,
Enter your S# and Password.
On the Faculty Tab, go to the CCCOnline Faculty Gateway Access Channel
Select Course Online Rosters.
For a tutorial on the new Faculty Portal please go here, https://at.ccconline.org/faculty/wiki/Tech_Tools_-_CCCOnline_Portal_Overview
Second Language Writers Webinar Now!
Second Language Writers Part 2 - Working with Second Language Writers and Their Writing
- When: Friday, August 27, 2010 (1:00PM - 2:30PM Mountain)
- Who: Ruth Brancard
- What: Using student writing samples, participants will discuss strategies for working with second language writers to improve writing in English. Drawing on research on second language acquisition and second language writing, the presenter will address issues of content, organization, grammar, and voice. Suggestions for the timing and content of feedback to students will be addressed.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Gearing Up!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Important reminders!
As you are ready to celebrate the end of the summer term, here are a few reminders of upcoming training events and more.
- As you prepare your fall courses for Quality Assurance checks which will be done on Thursday August 26th, review the Course Readiness Checklist.
- Don’t forget as part of the Checklist you must:
- Reset your course homepage
- Run the Grades Wizard
- Remove unused tools from the course navigation bar.
- Next week, we are offering a two part webinar series on Second Language Writers Wednesday August 25th and Friday August 27 at 1pm-2:30 pm with Dr. Ruth Brancard. Dr. Ruth Brancard has worked with learners and faculty for more than 30 years--at an intensive English language program for international students, at CCD in ESL and developmental education, and at UCD in the School of Education and Human Development. In the first workshop, you'll explore a range of student profiles that illustrate the diversity of second language writers and reflect on how knowledge of students' linguistic backgrounds and educational goals can influence instruction. In the second workshop, you'll use student writing samples to discuss guidelines for working with second language writers as they focus on improving their writing in English. The presentation draws on the presenter's own experience and research as well as research in the area of second language writing. Join us online via Elluminate. Access up to 15 minutes before the start time from:
https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=2008363&password=M.BA495955350F23D140B6F5C1150C6C - Sign up for the our faculty conference Constructing Quality: Expand your Toolbox on September 17th at Arapahoe Community College. Sessions are filling up, so sign up today! Information about the conference and registration
Please send your questions about the information in this post directly to Karen Kaemmerling at Karen.kaemmerling@cccs.edu