Thursday, November 02, 2006

Teaching Tips Newsletter Goes Blogging--Today's the Day

Greeting Everyone,

In a few minutes you'll see the blog post for November's featured faculty, Dr. Peter Jeschofnig.

The faculty feature was one of the former sections of the monthly faculty newsletter, and it will be released through the CCCOnline Faculty News blog.

By moving to some new communication tools, we hope to provide shorter pieces of information more frequently, provide an archive so you can more easily retrieve data, and allow timely updates and faculty contributions of knowledge throught the wiki.

So we have two blogs and a wiki: CCCOnline Faculty News, CCCOnline Faculty Source (Instructional Resources),and the CCCOnline Faculty Wiki. If you find yourself wondering how to keep track of mutliple sources, we've had the same conversation here. If you bookmark this blog,it contains all the links to the others (scroll down to the Links section of this blog).

We welcome feedback on your new tools --

Best to each of you,


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