From BB last night around 8:00:
"We are seeing improved performance through our monitoring and will continue to work with our network vendors this evening until we return to 100% operational efficiency. Currently the average response time for all VA2 requests (all clients) is averaging just about 2 seconds. We normally maintain right around 1 second or below. At its worst, we were seeing slightly over 4 second average response times today.ASP Notify alerts continue to update all clients and will contoinue to do so until this issue is resolved."
This morning the latency issue is supposed to be fixed... so let me know if you think it really is. FWIW it was affecting everyone hosted out of that datacenter, not just us. It wasn't supposed to be related to our surge in use yesterday, but I have to think we exacerbated the issue. The good news is that network issues are easier to correct than Vista issues. :^)
More updates when I have them. David is participating in a support call with BB later this morning. (I'm hanging out at the coffee shop waiting for the Suburban to finish visiting with Bruce at the autoshop - they are buddies you know.)
Oh, other good news - yesterday by the end of the day Deb, John, and Roxanne were under 100 support forms and about the same in calls. It was a very smooth start! (With the exception of Jake Camp's PHI section -- sorry Jake.)